How Far Should I Hit my Driver?

This is another educational post in golfing beginners series courses. This one explains how far you can hit your driver and how to best swing your driver club to get long-distance hits. When you are first starting out playing golf, one of the things you will be most...

What golf club hits the farthest?

In our golf learning series, I have shared details of how to put and how to swing but in describing the clubs to use, I mentioned how you can utilize some to hit the farthest. So what golf club hits the farthest? What golf club hits the farthest? It’s the Driver...

How to Swing Golf Club

In the educational post series, I have explained in detail how to swing golf club and hit the golf ball giving it the trajectory it needs to go into the hole. In easy steps, the basic steps in this post will get you started as a beginner golfer. There will be more...

Most Expensive Golf Bags

In the 1930s, the purse on the PGA tour was $7,500 and in 2022, the purse is $15,000,00 almost 2,000 times. The most expensive bags you can find in the market today are over 2,000 times more than those you could get some 90s years ago in 1930. What’s driving the...

How Many Calories You Burn Playing Golf

After reviewing literature published in the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) and PubMed journals, I wasn’t able to get detailed quality research on golf sport and nutrition. I always prefer to base my research on primary, peer-reviewed...